So the last few weeks have brought amazing fall weather to the midwest. Yes, it's a bit chilly but this is the time to savor before winter hits. So whenever Mom hasn't been in the field or I haven't been out of town for work...we've been horseback. It's so peaceful in the woods this time of year. Pretty much all you hear is the sound of the leather on your saddle as it creeks while your horse makes a path through the timber.
The other day my friend Lisa and I went for a ride. It was just us and our horses. No little kids playing horseback Indians. Not a large crowd of gals just gabbing away. Just us. And it was so peaceful. Sometimes it takes moments like that to realize just how much 'noise' is in our every day world. We are completely surrounded by activity and chaos all day long. Sometimes it is just so nice to 'unplug' from it all and truly enjoy God's creation. And to have a few moments just to relax, breathe, and reconnect with your soul. (that sounds kind of like a yoga teacher, but I really mean it) It's so easy to get wrapped up in the activity of the world, sometimes I just need to remind myself to step back and take it all in.