While I was growing up, if I would have asked anyone to make a list of 10 adjectives to describe me...I'm guessing that "competitive" would have made the list. Maybe it's because I'm an overachiever, maybe it's because I'm short, or maybe it's because I'm a middle child. Regardless of the reason, I'm amazed at how non-competitive I've become! Sometimes I wonder if I just got burnt out on competition. Between showing cattle, 4-H and FFA offices, awards and competitions, and other school activities, I seriously wonder if I just had enough of it.
This isn't a new ponder, I've thought about it a lot over the last few years. But it once again entered my mind a couple of weeks ago when a group of us went bowling. Oh man, the bowling alley was exactly as I remember it from when I was growing up. They even still have those black balls with the red and blue triangles that we used to learn to bowl! And every time I got up to the lane, I could hear my Grams telling me what to do..."move over a board, reach for that arrow, you're turning your wrist, you have to follow through...". And I'm glad she wasn't there because she would have been so disappointed in the number of pins I knocked down (or didn't knock down is more like it)! But I had the best time, I just laughed all night, and didn't really care how bad I did! We even bowled a game where every frame we did something crazy like bowl with your other hand, bowl with your eyes closed, bowl between your legs, and bowl backwards (Grams might be rumbling right now that we messed around at the alley!) But it wasn't at all about winning or losing, it was about having fun. And that we did.
I've still got a competitive streak, especially when it comes to board games (and cheaters), but for the most part I've really been amazed at my preference for staying out of the limelight. Where I've really noticed it over the last few years is in my professional life. It's somewhat important to be involved in the professional organization, hold offices, serve on committees, and get awards...but I don't really have any interest in doing so. A funny thing happened a few weeks ago when I presented my research at a national meeting; I won second place in the poster division and really didn't even know it was a competition until right before the meeting! I know it's all going to be important the next time I look for a job in the profession, but right now I'm pretty content with the awards from way back when that are tucked away in a box, probably getting dusty and tarnished.