As I think about moving back to Iowa, there are so many things that run through my head when people ask me "Why?". I guess to those people that didn't grow up in the Midwest, this seems like a valid question. But for those of us that were fortunate enough to grow up there...we know there's something magical about it that just gets in our blood. There's something about th

e smell of fresh dirt and baby calves in the spring, the sight of corn and beans popping up through the ground, the sound of corn dryers in the fall, the chill of August nights....the list goes on. Every time I'm in Iowa, the sights, sounds, and smells just stir my inner soul. And I'm reminded that I want to get back just as soon as I can.
But one of the main reasons I'm ready to move back to Iowa, is my family. It kills me to live 16 hours from home. And now that this little girl (my niece) is walking, talking and getting into everything....she just adds one more reason that it's time to get back. I feel like I missed out a lot on my two nephews growing up because once they hit elementary school I was living out of state. I just love being an aunt and I hope this time around I'll be able to be a part of the daily things. And it should be fun because this little girl just loves the farm....and we already have a little saddle so one day we can get her on horseback!
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