It doesn't take looking twice at my mom and me to know that I am her daughter. But what's even more scary, is that from time to time (well truthfully it's more often than that) I find myself saying things she would say or doing things the way she would do them. In fact, while at HenFest (on one of our many shopping sprees) I found a pillow that says Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I am my mother after all. I just had to buy it!
But in reality, I couldn't be more proud that I do things like my mom (and dad). Actually, I hope that as I continue to grow up I become even more like her. She's a hard worker and has a HUGE heart. I tell people all the time that she is one of the nicest people in the world. And I really believe that. I don't think I've ever heard her say a bad thing about anybody. She accepts people for who they are and doesn't pass judgment. Those kind of folks are really hard to come by these days. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to moving back to Iowa is that I can spend more time with her.
You forgot to mention that Shorty makes a mean pan of Oatmeal Carmelita bars or brownies or pie or...
I couldn't agree with you more and she isn't even my Mom. However, I am proud that she is my Baby Sis and I couldn't be happier to have her as my baby sis and to have her live close by. Her heart is huge and so is her smile. My other sister and brother are also great and loving siblings. Our family is so fortunate to be "close in love and spirit". I believe our good, Iowa farm upbringing and your grandparents Loretta and Butch had a huge impact on all of us. Anxious to see you July 30th. Love and hugs. Suzy
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