So what do you do when you are about to move but your cupboards, fridge and freezer are still loaded with food supplies? You have people over to a "whatever we can make out of the food in the fridge, cupboards and freezer" dinner party! And actually, dinner was prett

y good....complete with appetizers and dessert! It was a dinner invite on short notice, but for those that know Chester's affection for Rachel Ray...we knew it would be good. But as Scott and I stood in the kitchen watching Chester dream up concoctions based on what treasures he was finding, we just laughed that this should be one of those reality shows on the Food Network. A competition to see who could come up with the greatest feast...without running to the store for a single thing.
I love to have people over for dinner, etc. But I always plan what we're going to eat and go to the store to specifically buy what we need. So starting without a plan was kind of fun but it also gave me a whole new appreciation for all the meals my mom has made over my life span. It seems like she always had whatever she needed to pull together something that everyone liked.
Happy Birthday Kimmy Sue. Have a great day!
This was a great night. Come to think of it, it should be a show and Chester would be a great host.
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