August 18, 2008

They Leave the Light On

I've been in Iowa now for 10 days. And truthfully, it's bittersweet. I miss my friends and I miss Athens, but I am so excited to finally be home. When I left Athens at 10am last Friday, I wondered if I could make the 16 hour drive based on my exhaustion level. But I made the drive relatively easy and I think it was because there was something in my heart pulling me home. I got to Mom and Dad's about I stepped out of the car I could hear the crickets and cows, could smell the fresh air, and felt the chill of the coming fall. There is just something I love about the country and forever the sights, smells and sounds will stir my inner soul.

This transition will in no way be easy, but the challenge has a great reward. I've already been trail riding with my mom, looking at calves with my dad, playing with my niece and reconnecting with friends at the Iowa State Fair. All things that have helped reassure me that I'm finally 'home'.


Anonymous said...

Yes, as you they say "We will leave the light on for you" and it has been on a LONG time waiting for you to come home. Ha! I've been waiting to see what your newest blog would say and needless to say, I enjoy your blogs. Besides you being glad to be home, we are so glad you are! Aunt Suzy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your new address and contact information. I know being home is where God wants you to be. We will surely miss you in GA.

Take care of yourself and know we will be reading your blog frequently. Friends John & Marcia Callaway in GA