I am an achiever. Probably better classified as an OVER-achiever. And I hate to make mistakes or do something wrong in public. Well, this past weekend I just had to 'get over myself'. It all started because I wanted to go to the folk fair at the Heartland Museum in our town because there was a barbershop quartet on the agenda for the day. I figured it was something to do even if the singing turned out to be bad (which was wasn't, they were good) and it's always fun to go through the museum...so I went. Well, it turns out the agenda also included a good ole fashion spelling bee. For which they were recruiting people to participate. My dad got the funny idea that I should do it. I thought 'No way, because I just know I'll spell something wrong and be embarrassed for myself in public! If I can't win, then don't play!'. (I know, I know, what a terrible attitude....so afraid to fail that I often don't even try.) Well, I finally gave in to my dad's prodding and participated...right along with him. And we both got out before the deal was over...and NO ONE laughed at me when I spelled my word wrong and it was no big deal. Actually, it was pretty fun and I'm glad I gave in and did it. Which is probably the moral of this story....as Nike said many years ago- Just Do It! I know I've passed up a lot of opportunities over my lifetime simply because I'm too afraid to fail or be embarrassed in front of other people. Just last week at the 'egg celebration' I passed up winning some Nadas CDs because I was too embarrassed to be in an egg toss and egg on the spoon race....both of which my dad did and one of which he won! So maybe I'll take notes these next few years as I live close to Dad, join in the fun, and live to tell about it.
What the heck? That is awesome! Good for you for trying! I love the certificate. So, I'm guessing that you got the word RACCOON wrong. I'm sure I would have missed that too.
Would you believe that me, Suzy, made up the certificate you received and I also spend two diffent years typing up spelling works and a sentence with the word in it. I also thought it would be fun, too, as we had spelling bees in country school, BUT, I do am afraid of failure in front of a crowd. Must run in the family. Ha
I would have totally spelt Raccoon wrong. (The only reason it's correct here is because of that lovely red line underlining it til I got it!)
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