It's hard to believe that over the last seven days...I raked leaves and mowed the yard in a short sleeve t-shirt, rode horses in short sleeves, went to the field with a sweatshirt and got too warm, and then today it's snowing! I know it won't last but it sure has been beautiful watching it come down and land on the evergreens. It just amazes me how quickly things can change.
A couple weeks ago when it got really cold I told Mom that I wasn't sure I'm quite ready for the cold and might consider being a shut in for the winter (that is if those high school kids would deliver Meals on Wheels to me). But after seeing the huge snowflakes so peacefully dropping down this morning, I think I'm ready. Of course there will be days when it's frigid and I'm stranded because the roads are too bad; but I also think about the days when the sun shines and reflects off the snow. I think about how little kids LOVE to play in the snow. I think about how big kids (that's us) love to play in the snow on snowmobiles and the like. I think about how the cows have these pieces of snow all over their face after a snow. I think about playing with my little niece outside. In fact I'm actually pretty excited to be back in Iowa where my winter will be filled with snow covered ground. There's just something magical about it.
Wow, another beautiful picture! And another inspiring blog post. I'll need to get into that frame of mind soon too!
Winter is a beautiful time. Bummer that so many farmers still have grain in the field, but it does make it look great. So snowman yet?
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