July 3, 2008

A Lesson in Genetics

It's no secret that the United States has a major obesity issue. I don't know the stats, but I know it is startling to hear the percentage of people in the US that are considered overweight. The other day I finally watched the movie "Super Size Me" and it nearly convinced me to avoid fast food for the rest of my life (which won't be quite so hard once I move back to rural Iowa!). AND THEN I ran across this picture from one of my Grams' photo albums....whoa, those people were her (my) relatives, I've got these genes inside of me, I better not eat anything but celery and salad for the rest of my life! And I better increase my run mileage by about 20 miles a week!

Sad thing is, I understand genetics and know that I better watch it or I will end up like one of the women in this picture! So I guess I should appreciate it (and not be annoyed) when my dad makes a comment like "You still running?" or "Have you gained a couple pounds?" because I know he's only doing it because he cares about me. What's even more sad is that I do work out nearly every day, I eat really healthy, and because of genetics...I'll have to do that for the rest of my life!


DOWNLOAD said...
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Sue said...

Kimmy...you are beautiful and you look very good in your genes, I mean jeans!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister! Genetics really stink sometimes.

With that being said, you're beautiful, inside and out. You have been a real inspiration to me with my weighty issues. Thank you for putting it all in perspective so that I'm not quite so hard on myself.