December 10, 2008

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing

For being an aunt with no kids of her own...I've got a pretty good collection of toys for when the wee one comes to visit. I've got everything from a Cabbage Patch doll to Melissa & Doug puzzles to toy horses to necklaces to books. But it simply amazes me that with all the different toys to choose from...every single time my niece is here she first pulls out the Little People schoolhouse full of little people and the random things their cylinder bodies fit into. These things are 30+ years old! I remember playing with the Little People, fighting over who got to play with who, pretending they were at school, and pretending they were at recess on the merry-go-round. We even had a little car that we would drive all over the living room! They were really cool in their day.

But actually I think it's pretty cool that she loves the Little People. They leave a lot up to the imagination. They make no sounds. They have plastic hair. They have no clothes just a wooden cylinder body. As I watch her play it's really neat to listen to her have one of the people talking to the horse and 'getting on' for a ride. She pushes the people that she puts in the swing on the swingset. And she sets up the classroom with the little desks.

When I see today's toys, it leaves me wondering where the room is for imagination. They are really cool with all their sounds and accessories; but what about making motor noises with your lips? What about having your own little voice for the dolly instead of her talking and crying from some magical computer device inside of her? When I saw all the plastic food for a play kitchen, it just made me laugh thinking of all the times we made 'brownies' from the dried and cracked dirt in mud puddles. Oh those were the days. And I'm so glad that my childhood was filled with creativity beyond on our imagination.

November 20, 2008

Santa's New Elves

Last year my dear friend Sue sent me an Elf Yourself video link of me and my Hen friends dancing as elves. It was so funny I watched it over and over just cracking up. Well, today she did it again. Only this time it was me, her two girls, their cat, and my dog. I couldn't stop laughing.

So I decided to create a little elf clan of my family. It's just so funny I had to share it with all of you.

Enjoy....and then do it for your own peeps!

November 16, 2008

The Man of the House

There is something I've always wanted but never really thought it was the right time. Well, this week I just took the plunge....and got a dog. So meet Aberdeen. He's already 16 weeks and came from an Angus breeder not far from home (Bill Schermer). I delivered some cattle for Dad on Monday and there he was just stealing my heart. I battled the decision all week and then finally told myself to just try it. So I picked him up early Friday morning. We've been hanging out all weekend and he's been doing just great. He even just stood there while I gave him a bath after our field trip to the farm today.

The biggest battle in the decision process...this is an every day commitment, are you willing to make that sacrifice? Ultimately, I said it was time. Yes there will definitely be times when I'm going to need to give up a little something in order to meet his needs...but that's part of getting older. I've been on my own for several years and could do anything, anytime...and I did. Moving home somewhat involved some thinking that I've lived for whatever I wanted the past several years and now it was time to put my family first. So maybe Aberdeen is somewhat of an extension of that. Sometimes it's just a little too easy to fall into the trap of having the world revolve around yourself.

November 13, 2008

Tag...You're It

So here's another post compliments to the prodding of SueBoo. (which I'm still working on finishing up the Pay It Forward deal she got me into) But this one is a little easier. The instructions are to post the fourth picture in the fourth folder of your pictures file; tell us about the picture; and tag a friend or two. So I'm just going to post it and consider anyone else that reads this 'tagged'.

So here's the 4th picture from the 4th folder in my "My Pictures" folder....

It's a group of random people...some that I met for the first time that night...who gathered at my house to go Christmas Caroling in the neighborhood. We had a blast...and had a great time putting smiles on people faces.

It's pretty ironic that this photo is the 4th of the 4th because where I am today connects very much to where I was on that day several years ago. I had recently moved to Athens and was slowing figuring out where the single 30 somethings fit into a college town. Lucky for me I had a great church which included a small group of girls for weekly bible study. And even though we loved hanging out together, we knew there were others just like us trying to find their place in this college town. So being the event planner that I am...I started conversations about fun things we could do that would bring people together and build relationships. So the first thing we a fall social that included pumpkin carving! And since people had fun with that and figured out it was fun to be a kid again....I hosted Christmas Caroling...complete with plates of cookies for every house we visited. It was a blast and the following year we had about 20 people go out caroling.

So here I am a few years later, similar situation, different town. But this time instead of a college town, it's my hometown, a small rural town...a place that doesn't get new people to town very often. At first glance it seems that everyone within 10 years of my age is married with children. So I'm wrestling with trying to figure out how and where to get plugged in. Ironically, just this past week, I was thinking back to Athens and wondering if maybe I could host something to break the ice and help me get to know people. I was actually thinking....'what about hosting a cookie exchange or a Christmas caroling'. I guess this photo is maybe a sign that I should.

November 7, 2008

Things Change

It's hard to believe that over the last seven days...I raked leaves and mowed the yard in a short sleeve t-shirt, rode horses in short sleeves, went to the field with a sweatshirt and got too warm, and then today it's snowing! I know it won't last but it sure has been beautiful watching it come down and land on the evergreens. It just amazes me how quickly things can change.

A couple weeks ago when it got really cold I told Mom that I wasn't sure I'm quite ready for the cold and might consider being a shut in for the winter (that is if those high school kids would deliver Meals on Wheels to me). But after seeing the huge snowflakes so peacefully dropping down this morning, I think I'm ready. Of course there will be days when it's frigid and I'm stranded because the roads are too bad; but I also think about the days when the sun shines and reflects off the snow. I think about how little kids LOVE to play in the snow. I think about how big kids (that's us) love to play in the snow on snowmobiles and the like. I think about how the cows have these pieces of snow all over their face after a snow. I think about playing with my little niece outside. In fact I'm actually pretty excited to be back in Iowa where my winter will be filled with snow covered ground. There's just something magical about it.

October 21, 2008

Music to the Ears

So the last few weeks have brought amazing fall weather to the midwest. Yes, it's a bit chilly but this is the time to savor before winter hits. So whenever Mom hasn't been in the field or I haven't been out of town for work...we've been horseback. It's so peaceful in the woods this time of year. Pretty much all you hear is the sound of the leather on your saddle as it creeks while your horse makes a path through the timber.

The other day my friend Lisa and I went for a ride. It was just us and our horses. No little kids playing horseback Indians. Not a large crowd of gals just gabbing away. Just us. And it was so peaceful. Sometimes it takes moments like that to realize just how much 'noise' is in our every day world. We are completely surrounded by activity and chaos all day long. Sometimes it is just so nice to 'unplug' from it all and truly enjoy God's creation. And to have a few moments just to relax, breathe, and reconnect with your soul. (that sounds kind of like a yoga teacher, but I really mean it) It's so easy to get wrapped up in the activity of the world, sometimes I just need to remind myself to step back and take it all in.

October 6, 2008

Pay It Forward

So last month I got sucked in to my friend Sue's 'pay it forward' contest...and I won. Which meant two things 1) she made me a lovely bracelet that matches everything I own and 2) I have to pay it forward by hosting my own contest with my own prizes.

So now it's your turn to win. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and in a couple weeks I will put all the names in a hat and draw 3 (even if I don’t know you that is ok just leave a comment and I will give you my email address so you can email me your address so I can send the gift) If you win you need to continue the PIF by making 3 items and posting the same type of thing on your blog. Don’t worry if you don’t have a blog you just need to make 3 things and give them to others and encourage them to do the same. How fun is that? Good luck! Make sure to leave a comment here.

In the Eye of the Beholder

Everyone that knows me knows the I LOVE the midwest! I've been to 49 states (lived in 3) and 3 other countries...but no matter where I go, I don't think there is anywhere as beautiful as home. Now there have been some amazingly beautiful places...don't get me wrong...but as a whole, nothing can beat the midwest. When I lived in Michigan and Georgia, it was so cool to live amongst so many trees...but often times I felt clostrophobic because I couldn't see what was around the bend! I would get off an airplane in Iowa and just physically feel the breath release from my lungs as I relaxed and said "oh man, I can see for miles!" And this time of year....that means being able to see the sun set as it casts it's last shadow on the bean fields and combines. It's just absolutely gorgeous!

The last few weeks have brought rapid change in the crops and the trees here. Sometimes I am just in awe of the beauty this time of year. And knowing that winter is just around the corner, it makes me wonder if God created the splendor of fall just to give us something to hold us over through the winter until spring comes.

September 29, 2008

Loaded Up and Truckin'

Between cattle shows, sheep shows, and horse trail rides, I've seen thousands and thousands of miles of blacktop through the windshield of a truck and trailer. But it wasn't until yesterday, that I saw 200 of those miles from the driver's seat! Sure I've hauled some cows to the other mile away...but I've never been behind the wheel all by myself, on the highways and interstate, through town, in the morning fog, passing cars, with precious cargo in the stock trailer...until my trek yesterday. And it was a liberating experience! I knew I could do it, but I was still a bit nervous because it was a long drive for the first time all by myself. (And Mom admitted last night that as she saw the running lights turn out onto the blacktop from the lane, she was a bit nervous that she let me go alone!) My friend Lisa wanted to go to a big trail ride in northern Iowa, but my regular chauffeur and riding partner (Mom) had to stay home since they were combining beans. And since there wasn't room for me and my horse in Lisa's trailer, the question go (and drive the truck and trailer for the first time) or not to go (and sit home thinking about what a pansy you are and wishing you were riding). So...I was loaded up and truckin'!

It's hard to believe with the life I've lived that I just now had this experience. But I guess it's because there has always been a mutual allowance for me to do things...but with little risk. I think back to so many things we did growing up...mowing a yard only after it was struck out, raking hay or cutting stalks only after the first few rounds were made, leading calves only after they were basically broke, etc. I'm really glad my parents protected me, but I also think I probably should have pushed the issue from time to time so that I learned to do things without a safety net. I'm thinking that "first times" are a lot easier when you're young and foolish!

September 16, 2008

Raccoon R-A-C-C-O-O-N Raccoon

I am an achiever. Probably better classified as an OVER-achiever. And I hate to make mistakes or do something wrong in public. Well, this past weekend I just had to 'get over myself'. It all started because I wanted to go to the folk fair at the Heartland Museum in our town because there was a barbershop quartet on the agenda for the day. I figured it was something to do even if the singing turned out to be bad (which was wasn't, they were good) and it's always fun to go through the I went. Well, it turns out the agenda also included a good ole fashion spelling bee. For which they were recruiting people to participate. My dad got the funny idea that I should do it. I thought 'No way, because I just know I'll spell something wrong and be embarrassed for myself in public! If I can't win, then don't play!'. (I know, I know, what a terrible afraid to fail that I often don't even try.) Well, I finally gave in to my dad's prodding and participated...right along with him. And we both got out before the deal was over...and NO ONE laughed at me when I spelled my word wrong and it was no big deal. Actually, it was pretty fun and I'm glad I gave in and did it. Which is probably the moral of this Nike said many years ago- Just Do It! I know I've passed up a lot of opportunities over my lifetime simply because I'm too afraid to fail or be embarrassed in front of other people. Just last week at the 'egg celebration' I passed up winning some Nadas CDs because I was too embarrassed to be in an egg toss and egg on the spoon race....both of which my dad did and one of which he won! So maybe I'll take notes these next few years as I live close to Dad, join in the fun, and live to tell about it.

September 5, 2008

Never Bored with Board Games

Maybe it's because I grew up in rural Iowa where the electricity went out every time we had a storm and we needed something to do....or maybe it's because I am ultra competitive.... or maybe it's because I like the mental stimulation....but regardless of the reason-- I LOVE board games! And thank goodness that everywhere I've lived, I've found friends that love them too! And right now, I'm missing my friends in Athens and all the nights we played Phase 10 (at which Heather cheats), Yahtzee, Compatibility, Catch Phrase, and the list goes on. And the many days Scott and I would sit at my house playing Sequence and Husker-Du (at which he thinks I cheat).

There's just something about games that brings a group of people together. Of course I love dinner and a movie...but you always feel rushed to get out of the restaurant and then ssshussed at the movie. I would rather have people over for dinner where we can really hang and enjoy each others company and then play games where we can be loud and crazy...and talk to each other.

And thinking of games brings back great memories of Grams. I can't count the number of times we played Husker -Du (but the condition of the box would give you a hint), Skunk, 500, Candyland, and of course the many different ways she taught us to play Solitaire (which I still play everytime I sit down and see a deck of cards nearby). It also makes me think of all the times Dad and I would play a game of Connect 4 to see who was going outside to do chores in the snow! Or the times we played Rummy King (at which my uncle Jim and Dad cheat) on snowmobile trips and at family get togethers.

Some might say it's because there is nothing else to do it Iowa, but I'm really thankful that I was brought up playing games. It seems like whenever you bring them out, people always have a good time. And a family that plays together stays together!

August 29, 2008

Only in Small Town Iowa

One of the thoughts that's been on my mind ever since I decided to move back to my hometown has been 'what will I do to stay busy?'. Living in a college town the last six years has spoiled me because there was always something to do and always someone around to ask to go. Well, I've been here three weeks and haven't been at a loss for things to do yet. In fact, I don't think I've even had one single night to just sit home and relax a bit! And today, I found out about something that just made me excited for next weekend....and made me say 'only in small town Iowa'.

There's this lady, Karen, who takes the time each week to collect all the things going on in the community (everything from blood drives to prayer meetings to community events) and puts them all in one email she sends to who knows how many hundred people. I love this thing!! There are things I would never in a million years hear about otherwise.

Well today, she made a note about a community appreciation hosted next Friday by an agricultural company based in my hometown. They're hosting a free dinner and concert...and the concert is one of my favorite bands from college- The Nadas. Can you believe it...a free concert by The Nadas in my hometown!! And to top it all off...everyone also gets a free dozen eggs!! Only in Iowa would you go to an event and they are giving everyone a carton of eggs!

Gotta love it. I'm so glad to be home!

August 25, 2008

It's That Time of Year

The nights are chilly and the mornings are brisk. That can only mean one thing....fall is just around the corner. And it's a tight race between spring and fall to determine which is my favorite season. But IF I really had to choose, I think it would be fall. The smell of harvest, the sound of corn dryers on bins, tractors and combines running through the fields, football games and who could forget...trail rides to take in the beauty of fall color. So I realize there isn't any fall color yet, but I'm already getting excited about our October weekend with our horse friends. It's a weekend of lots of hours in the saddle, laughs and chats around the campfire, and just some good old fashion quality time with Mom.

Now that I'm back home, I'll get to ride a lot more. We've already been out three times in the two weeks I've been here! We're really fortunate to have a great trail system just 20 miles away and then another set about 40 miles away. It makes a great getaway on a Sunday afternoon. There's just something peaceful about the sound of leather creaking and your horses hooves hitting the trail bed.

August 18, 2008

They Leave the Light On

I've been in Iowa now for 10 days. And truthfully, it's bittersweet. I miss my friends and I miss Athens, but I am so excited to finally be home. When I left Athens at 10am last Friday, I wondered if I could make the 16 hour drive based on my exhaustion level. But I made the drive relatively easy and I think it was because there was something in my heart pulling me home. I got to Mom and Dad's about I stepped out of the car I could hear the crickets and cows, could smell the fresh air, and felt the chill of the coming fall. There is just something I love about the country and forever the sights, smells and sounds will stir my inner soul.

This transition will in no way be easy, but the challenge has a great reward. I've already been trail riding with my mom, looking at calves with my dad, playing with my niece and reconnecting with friends at the Iowa State Fair. All things that have helped reassure me that I'm finally 'home'.

August 11, 2008

A Tribute to The A-town Crowd

When I went to Athens six years ago, one of my main objectives was to 'not be so busy making a living that I forgot to make a life'. Well, part of that constituted having friends. I know that sounds crazy...but in my first eight years of the working world, my life was so full of work that I didn't really have many people that lived in the same town and were called friends. So this was a major deal. I didn't really know where they were going to come from, but I was going to have friends. In school and college it was always easy because you were surrounded by people that had the same interests as you. Living in a college town when you are 30 is a bit different. I still laugh that one of my students called me after a few months in Athens. He asked how I was coming on my friend goal and if I had made any friends yet. I said "yes." And he quickly responded, "name them." Then he proceeded to clarify if they were really friends...the kind you could call right this minute and talk to, ask to go to a movie, etc. or were they simply people more like 'acquaintances'. I guess his challenge inspired me because over the last six years, I've been blessed to have some great friends.

Moving this past week was really hard because I left behind several people that I really care about and who have made such an impression on my life. I know that we'll keep in touch for a bit but that over time the ties will fade, they always do. But I also know that there will always be a special place in my heart for this group of people because they have truly impacted me and helped me to grow into who I am. I've moved a lot and it's never been this hard; I guess that's when you know you really have Friends.

July 30, 2008

I Can't Believe It

I can hardly believe it, but today I'm 36. Yikes where did all the time go!!! I have to say that my life is almost 100% different than I expected it to be on this day...but I still love my life. God just had different plans than I did. I am so thankful for all the experiences I've had and can't wait to see what else is in store. I'm so blessed to have a great family and friends. And lucky me, my mom flies in this afternoon so I'll get to have birthday cake with her tonight. We look a little different than we did in this picture but the fun of celebrating with family is still the same. And if you want to see my 13th birthday...well thanks to Sue the whole world can see a picture on her blog. :)

July 28, 2008

We Should Have Been on TV

So what do you do when you are about to move but your cupboards, fridge and freezer are still loaded with food supplies? You have people over to a "whatever we can make out of the food in the fridge, cupboards and freezer" dinner party! And actually, dinner was pretty good....complete with appetizers and dessert! It was a dinner invite on short notice, but for those that know Chester's affection for Rachel Ray...we knew it would be good. But as Scott and I stood in the kitchen watching Chester dream up concoctions based on what treasures he was finding, we just laughed that this should be one of those reality shows on the Food Network. A competition to see who could come up with the greatest feast...without running to the store for a single thing.

I love to have people over for dinner, etc. But I always plan what we're going to eat and go to the store to specifically buy what we need. So starting without a plan was kind of fun but it also gave me a whole new appreciation for all the meals my mom has made over my life span. It seems like she always had whatever she needed to pull together something that everyone liked.

July 25, 2008

Rest Assured

It finally happened yesterday...I had a meltdown. I should have known it was coming with my move to Iowa being just two weeks away...but oh no, it still caught me by surprise. I started fretting over my house not being sold yet- which in turn affects my financing for my new house, which led to "Am I really doing the right thing or did I orchestrate this 'work from home' move to happen?" But through the tears and sniffles, I kept assuring myself that this is the right thing and I know in my heart that I'm supposed to be in Iowa. And that God loves me, doesn't want me to hurt, suffer, worry, he's bringing a buyer for my house in the next few days. (I know He will.) And as I started to think about my visit to Iowa last week...I overwhelmingly knew that I'm supposed to be in Iowa and all this other stuff will just work itself out. Of course it will, because I've got other things to worry how to teach this little girl how to ride horses, show cows, ride the 4-wheeler...and the list goes on.

July 10, 2008

You've Got Mail

The usual sort on the way in with the mail includes pitching the political propaganda, advertisements, and computer generated postcards...but wait, today I got a VERY important computer generated postcard. It said "Congratulations! All of your hard work and determination is about to pay off!" Then it went on and provided the link for information about UGA's Summer 2008 Commencement. They are going to let me graduate! I even get to walk across the stage in the coliseum while they read off my name and dissertation title. And the best mom and aunt Suzy will be in the audience watching!

I've always been a fan of getting mail and surprises like today are why. It's always just such a surprise to see what the mailman addition to the junk mail. Of course my favorites have always been cards & letters and magazines. The internet has really ruined a lot of that because now people (including me) take the shortcut and send e-cards and e-mails....even most of my bills arrive electronically. Remember when we were in grade school and had pen pals that just lived in the next town over? Or the people you met at camp and other 4-H events that you'd write all year long? And what about the chain letters that made everyone think they would one day get a lot of money back through the mail? I'm guessing the mailman knows a whole lot about people simply by sorting and delivering their mail.

July 9, 2008

The County Fair

Growing up, there was one thing that I looked forward to every July (even more than my birthday)...the County Fair. And the Wright County Fair is in full swing this week, so here's a little tribute to what makes it such a special place to be.

Of course, one of the primary purposes of the fair is to exhibit and judge the projects of 4-H and FFA members. So in addition to having our cattle ready, we also spent several months doing projects in cooking, sewing, home improvement, etc. Oh how we hated sitting at the sewing machine ripping out crooked seams instead of being outside on a summer day. And do you realize how many sheets of cookies it takes to get 12 that look almost perfect...and are the same size?! And then to sit with a judge as they analyzed your projects, tasted your food, and asked you questions...I'd hate to think about how bad some of the food they tasted might have been! But through the torture, it was aways rewarding to see the blue and purple ribbons displayed on your projects. And I was really excited when I had things chosen to go to state fair.

But the project side of the fair is nothing compared the friendships and fun times. We camped on the fairgrounds (6 miles from home), so there were endless games of cards, spoons, and bullsh#*. It was almost like a week long slumber party! And we spent a lot of time in the barns supposedly watching after cattle and pigs...but mostly we played cards, flirted with boys, and played practical jokes. But one of the best parts of the week...the annual water fight after the sale. The fair was officially over so no one could get in too much trouble...and it usually got ugly. Everyone was soaked before the day was done. And that probably helped cover up the tears that rolled down people's faces as they saw their market animals get hauled away to the packing plant.

Fun times! And great memories.

July 7, 2008

Independence Day

So it's back to work after a three day weekend and the standard question from everyone has been "so what did you do for the 4th?". Well like 90% of the people in the United States...I saw fireworks! And I even got to take in a small town parade complete with every single person running for any elected office in the county...and a clown cleaning up the horse road apples! I just love rural America and I was so excited that I got to spend the better part of a day being in it. It rained on the afternoon of the 4th...and with the Georgia heat, that just created an outdoor sauna- so I didn't really feel like going to a park with a thousand other people to watch the fireworks. Instead I saw fireworks at the racetrack. The track had a two night late model show that brought in cars from all over the southeast. It was $5000 to win the 50 lap feature and it was an awesome race right to the checkered flag. It was nearly a photo finish and the guy in second blew his motor right after he passed the I'd say he was definitely giving it all that he had. The cars that would have been 3 and 4 got tangled up in the last lap so they didn't finish...which might explain the fight that started in the pits right after the race! It was a great night for racing!

While I had a great time this 4th of July weekend...I'd still have to say that my favorite 4th was when I was in Washington DC working a leadership program for the FFA. The day was full of people on the lawn between the capitol and the Washington monument having picnics, playing volleyball and frisbee, listening to military bands and simply just hanging out. And the fireworks...well words can't explain how amazing it was to see a fireworks display with the Washington monument in the foreground. The show was no less than 45 minutes of continual bursts of color. Simply amazing!

July 3, 2008

A Lesson in Genetics

It's no secret that the United States has a major obesity issue. I don't know the stats, but I know it is startling to hear the percentage of people in the US that are considered overweight. The other day I finally watched the movie "Super Size Me" and it nearly convinced me to avoid fast food for the rest of my life (which won't be quite so hard once I move back to rural Iowa!). AND THEN I ran across this picture from one of my Grams' photo albums....whoa, those people were her (my) relatives, I've got these genes inside of me, I better not eat anything but celery and salad for the rest of my life! And I better increase my run mileage by about 20 miles a week!

Sad thing is, I understand genetics and know that I better watch it or I will end up like one of the women in this picture! So I guess I should appreciate it (and not be annoyed) when my dad makes a comment like "You still running?" or "Have you gained a couple pounds?" because I know he's only doing it because he cares about me. What's even more sad is that I do work out nearly every day, I eat really healthy, and because of genetics...I'll have to do that for the rest of my life!

July 1, 2008

Gardener, Cook, Seamstress.....Grandma

Of all the hard things in life, I think losing someone you love is probably my hardest. And last week this was brought to light once again as Grandma A. took her final breath on earth. I know very well that it was a blessing, she is in a better place, and she has no pain. But that doesn't make it any easier. And I guess her passing was compounded by the fact that she was my last living grandparent. Lucky for me, I took advantage of seeing her every time I've been home over the last couple of years. I have to admit that sometimes (well most of the time) I dreaded going to the nursing home to see her because it just made me so sad to see her there....a dedicated farm wife cooped up without a garden, kitchen or sewing machine. In fact most of the time I left the building with tears rolling down my face just praying that God would take her home. But all the same, I'm so glad I went to see her all those times, because now those conversations we had about her growing up, meeting grandpa, and raising a family are something I can hold onto.

Growing up with my grandparents close by is something I've really grown to appreciate over the last several years. My grandparents were a part of my every day life....and every day they still reside in my memories. Whether is was playing a board game with my Grams, riding in the combine with my Grandpa A., or picking strawberries with my Grandma A...they were there. I've been so blessed to have grandparents as part of my life....and now they are all together again watching over me. I hope I'm making them proud.

June 24, 2008

Partners in Grime

Sometimes as you stand in the starting chute for a race, you start to ask yourself 'what in the world was I thinking when I signed up for this'! Saturday as we left Athens at 5:15am and the rain started coming down....I was definitely wondering what in the world we were getting into. But I have to admit, the Muddy Buddy is probably one of the funnest race events I've ever done. You and your teammate (partners in grime) share a bike for a six mile race. Throughout the race you alternate who is running and who is biking for each mile; at every mile marker and bike exchange station you complete a physical obstacle; and to get to the finish you and your partner crawl through a huge mud pit. It was a blast! Running in the rain was no big deal. But the couple miles I did on the mountain bike...on the slick trails...well let's just say I was a little scaredy cat! I was always glad to pass off the bike. This is definitely an event I would do again! Special thanks to my friend Chester for being my partner in grime.

June 15, 2008

My Dad...My Hero

Being Father's Day, I guess it would be quite appropriate to write something about Dad. And I know this won't be long because I already have tears in my eyes just thinking about how much my parents mean to me. I've always been my daddy's little helper as far back as I can remember. I even remember one time getting up and trying to get out to the barn before he did so that he thought I slept out there watching after a cow and calf (he's pretty smart though and knew that I was trying to pull a fast one). Even at 35, there's really no place I'd rather be than sitting next to him in a tractor, riding through the cows with him, or just doing his little dirty work. I know he's not perfect. And there are definitely times when I get mad at him. But I thank God every day for giving me the dad he did. I'm very proud to be his daughter and his little farm girl.

When I left for college in 1990, we wrote this poem on an index card. I put it on my college bulletin board and still have it today; it's one of my most prized possessions.
Sometimes I'm mean, Sometimes I'm rough, But you know I love you and I hope that's enough, So if you are ever down and blue, Just remember how proud I am of you. -Your dad and proud of it!

June 6, 2008

I am My Mother's Daughter

It doesn't take looking twice at my mom and me to know that I am her daughter. But what's even more scary, is that from time to time (well truthfully it's more often than that) I find myself saying things she would say or doing things the way she would do them. In fact, while at HenFest (on one of our many shopping sprees) I found a pillow that says Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I am my mother after all. I just had to buy it!

But in reality, I couldn't be more proud that I do things like my mom (and dad). Actually, I hope that as I continue to grow up I become even more like her. She's a hard worker and has a HUGE heart. I tell people all the time that she is one of the nicest people in the world. And I really believe that. I don't think I've ever heard her say a bad thing about anybody. She accepts people for who they are and doesn't pass judgment. Those kind of folks are really hard to come by these days. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to moving back to Iowa is that I can spend more time with her.

May 30, 2008

Cacklin' with the Hens

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." And I am so fortunate to have some old friends that I treasure dearly...the Hens. I can remember Sue, Heidi and LeAnn being in my life as far back as I can remember people in my life! And probably the coolest thing about our friendship today is that we take a long weekend every year to have our HenFest. Our girls only weekend is a great time to just catch up and spend time together....and we usually find a way to spend a little money shopping too. For more on HenFest years past (and a progression of photos) check out Sue's website.

Probably one of the neatest things about old friends is it doesn't matter how long it's been, you simply pick up wherever you left off. And they basically know everything about you and love you anyway. I remember the first time we did our HenFest; the four of us hadn't really all been together is several years. But from the moment we got together we started talking; and didn't stop until we drove out of Sue's driveway. Each of us was facing a big change in life, whether it was a first baby, a divorce, a new job or a new location....and who better to share your heart, thoughts and fears than old friends. I love these girls and count the days every year until I pack my bag to head for HenFest.

May 21, 2008

Oh-la-la...Rhubarb Pie

The other day when I went in to see my grandma at the nursing home, she mentioned that she hadn't eaten lunch yet and asked if I would eat with her. Of course I would, who doesn't look forward to hospital food! Needless to say, it left plenty to be desired. So we started talking about the good ole days and all the good food she used to cook. I always loved it when we were working in the fields by her house, because that meant great food...especially rolls and dessert. As we talked, we got stuck on one of my absolute favorites...rhubarb. I know it doesn't taste good until you combine it will all that sugar...but still it is one of my favorites! Grandma used to make rhubarb pie, rhubarb bars, rhubarb sauce, rhubarb cake, rhubarb jam...the list goes on. And lots of times it was coupled with strawberries from the garden...oh man how I love strawberry-rhubarb jam!! Lucky for me when I got home from the nursing home...Mom was making a rhubarb pie. How ironic. But oh how good that was with some vanilla bean ice cream.

May 19, 2008

Just One of the Reasons

As I think about moving back to Iowa, there are so many things that run through my head when people ask me "Why?". I guess to those people that didn't grow up in the Midwest, this seems like a valid question. But for those of us that were fortunate enough to grow up there...we know there's something magical about it that just gets in our blood. There's something about the smell of fresh dirt and baby calves in the spring, the sight of corn and beans popping up through the ground, the sound of corn dryers in the fall, the chill of August nights....the list goes on. Every time I'm in Iowa, the sights, sounds, and smells just stir my inner soul. And I'm reminded that I want to get back just as soon as I can.

But one of the main reasons I'm ready to move back to Iowa, is my family. It kills me to live 16 hours from home. And now that this little girl (my niece) is walking, talking and getting into everything....she just adds one more reason that it's time to get back. I feel like I missed out a lot on my two nephews growing up because once they hit elementary school I was living out of state. I just love being an aunt and I hope this time around I'll be able to be a part of the daily things. And it should be fun because this little girl just loves the farm....and we already have a little saddle so one day we can get her on horseback!

May 14, 2008

The Four People that Just Made My Day

....because they were the first people in the world to officially call me "Dr. Anderson"!! I graduated high school in I guess that means I've been dabbling in post-secondary degrees for 18 years, but this is it- I'm finished!

May 13, 2008

Running for a Reason

As I get ready to defend my doctoral dissertation tomorrow, I got to thinking (aka procrastinating) about what all has happened over the last year. One specific thing that came into my mind was that a year ago this month, I signed up for my second Team in Training event....the Dublin Ireland Marathon. And the journey began to once again raise over $5K for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society....and to prepare my body to once again run 26.2 miles. The time between registration and the October event seemed to fly by with training, raising money, and planning my trip to Ireland...the one country in the world that I really wanted to visit. Once again the TNT experience was amazing and I continually met people who had loved ones affected by blood cancer. Of all the things I've done in my life, I'd have to say my two TNT events rank near the top of the most rewarding experiences. My running shoes are calling my name to get signed up for another marathon this fall. Not sure that I'll do it through TNT since I'll be moving to Iowa; but I'm sure whatever event I pick there will be people there running for a cure cancers.

May 8, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

One of the awesome things about living in a college all the sporting events. Not to mention that the University of Georgia has national champion teams in just about every sport! And the people in the south....well let's just say they are die hard fans. There's even this guy, Mike Woods, who paints the top of his bald head with the picture of a bulldog. If you've ever watched Georgia football on TV....then I'm certain you've seen it; he gets on camera every game.

I really like going to Georgia football games, but something I like even better....Georgia baseball. There's just something about a baseball game...and lucky me I've got a little group of friends who like to go to nearly every game. We have a great time just hanging out...and Chester (far right) has figured out the secret to getting the free stuff they throw out every couple innings. Last night he got his third t-shirt of the season!

The season comes to a close next week with the last home series...and I have to admit that I'm kind of bummed because it's been one of my favorite things to do this spring. But I'm sure we'll find something else to do....we always do.

May 6, 2008

A Sign of the Times

Last week I had this big knot in my stomach as I walked home from work. I knew that as I approached my house, the yard was going to be newly adorned with a "For Sale" sign. Little did I know how much emotion that was going to stir throughout my little soul. When I moved to Athens nearly six years ago, I said "it's just for five years, find some balance between life and work, finish that degree you've started, and move back to Iowa." Well, six years later I'm finishing up that degree and I've really found a lot of balance between life and work. But that balance is a result of a great life with lots of good friends and experiences. So while I'm really excited about moving back to Iowa, I'm really torn in leaving my life and friends here. But I've come to realize that I love my life in Athens, in lue of the life I really where I'm close to my family. And I know that I have to sacrifice something good to have something even better. But over these last six years, I've really had the opportunity to build a life that makes me happy and happy with who I am. Now I just need to take those lessons with me and implement them into my life in Iowa!

May 2, 2008

Let's gooooo racing!

Over my entire life, right after hearing the national anthem I've heard the words "Let's gooooo racing!" Tonight for the first time in my six years in Georgia....I'm going to the races. There's just not much better on a Friday or Saturday night than the smell of burning fuel, the sound of roaring engines, a crowd of rowdy fans, and not to forget nachos...with a heap of jalapeƱo peppers! I'm guessing it won't be as good as heading to Knoxville to watch my brother, but it's still the races and it will give me a little fix to hold me over until I see my brother race in a couple weeks.

When I think back over the years of go-carts, mini-sprints, stock cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles and sprint cars....I don't know that I could really pick a favorite to watch. It was always fun. But of course it was always best when my dad was the one taking the checkered flag!! And one of the most memorable parts was that it was always quality time with family and friends. So tonight I'm introducing my friend Amy to 'the races'!

Post Script: Here's a picture of Amy and I at the Lavonia Speedway. She loved it....until it starting getting late because of time trials, wrecks, restarts, etc. But I told her that was just part of going to 'the races'! She loved it but I think it might be a one time experience for her. But the other two friends that went with us...they had a great time!


Call me a late adopter but I've held back and not started a blog. I kept thinking why would anyone want to be so public with things going on in their life. But as I've gotten accustomed to reading the happenings of a few of my friends...I've decided, it's time to try this out. Don't be thinking that I'll post something every day; I'm thinking more like once or twice a week. Primarily life happenings as well as thoughts and reflections. As I begin this deal, I'm closing in on graduation from my PhD program and preparing for a move back to Iowa in the next few months. So I'm sure there will be plenty of reflection because my mind has been racing ever since I made the decision to leave Athens and head back home. Enjoy.